Thursday, February 25, 2010


On February 23, 2010 at 12:06 AM Joe operative Knomadd of successfully reported in that he captured a Cobra Tele-Viper in Iowa City, IA at the University of Iowa Library. Congratulations Knomadd.

After reviewing the data on the Tele Vipers laptop, we have come across some promising information. From the looks of things, the Tele Viper's unit commander was none other than Copperhead. Although we do not know his location we have been informed of two meetings that will take place in the following week in Chicago, IL and Sacramento, CA. It is at these meetings that the Tele Viper was to relay his information. If we can capture any Cobra troops at these meetings, we might just find someone able to give the whereabouts of Copperhead, who is now our primary objective.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Update 2/19

UPDATE! We now have the exact location where the trooper is doing research, the code is now clear:


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Intel has tracked down the first of many operatives. This Cobra trooper is hiding out in the following building.

Although we do know that the location is in Iowa, we do not have the city as of yet. We also received a code that could help pinpoint his location. The code is
fGN 2
fGN 772.32
We're not sure what this code means, but we will be on the lookout for further information.

UPDATE: We have a new clue. Apparently this cobra trooper is attempting to gain information from a German authority on Anthropology in Iowa City, IA. We hope this information helps in your search.

UPDATE: (2/19) We now have the exact location where the trooper is doing research, the code is now clear:

ATTENTION! The following Cobra operatives have been spotted raiding a military outpost in Colorado. From our spy images it appears that the cobra saboteur Firefly led this group. After the raid, this team has splintered apart throughout the plains states and the pacific northwest. GI Joe operatives are currently searching for intel on the location of these men with the greatest priority being their unit commander Firefly. It is up to you homefront heroes to act upon the intel we discover to apprehend these villains. Further information is pending.......

Welcome to the Cross Continent Cobra Capture Classic!

Welcome! Welcome! If you've come here from a collector's site or if you've happen to come across one of the Cobra spies, then you might be wondering what exactly is going on here. Well I've put together a contest that spans a great deal of Canada and the United States called the Cross Continent Cobra Capture Classic. Here's how it works:
Cobra action figures have been placed in hidden locations throughout the land. These figures will be found in plastic zip lock bags with a code inside. I will be putting clues to all of their whereabouts on my blog and on various websites so that you may find them. If you locate a figure, he's yours to keep, but we need that intel, so please post a picture of the figure with his code either here or at any of the various joe websites on the net. This intel is two-fold. First it will unlock greater information for the rest of the contest, and more importantly for you, it will register you in the grand prize drawing.
Each basic trooper found will be worth one entry into the great drawing, while every cobra raid leader (four total) will be worth three entries into the grand drawing. The drawing will be held at the GIJoe Canada Con in August ( and the winner will receive a Cobra Terrordrome with Avac and Firebat. You will not need to be present to win, I will ship it to you.
Now where will these guys be hidden? That I cannot say, but intel will come in throughout the year when we get it, and I will say that the figures will find their way to at least 30 states and three provinces, so your chances of being in on the hunt are pretty good.
There are further prizes in the contest, but they need to be discovered as figures are found thru the clues they give. So go out there and let's hunt some Cobras!

(Disclaimer: For the casual observer, these are action figures from the GI Joe line, all of the intel is fictional made up for the game. There is no real Cobra invasion, this is just for fun. If you find one of these figures and think this is stupid, that's cool, just pass the toy along to a child that you know, I'm sure he will enjoy playing with it.)